Thursday, April 19, 2012

Advice on Mutual Fund Selection

What made Keynes a good investor?

  • Little luck with "macro" style strategy early in his career
  • Switched to "bottom-up" stock picker
  • Focused on small and mid size businesses he believed were undervalued
  • Concentrated assets in small number of holdings (i.e. not diversified in traditional sense)
  • Extremely long holding period for typical security purchased (>5 yrs)
  • Limited partners provided him considerable leeway to invest as he wished
Implications for investors today?

  • Think twice before selling a security you have owned for a short time (<1-2 yrs)
  • Focus effort on evaluation of small and midsize businesses (multiple reasons for this beyond simply that Keynes did it)
  • Invest with money managers who: (1) have freedom of action (2) high tracking error vs indexes (3) turn over securities relatively infrequently (avg for institutional investors is 15 months)
  • Examples of "good" managers based on above characteristics: (1) Fairholme (2) FPA (3) Longleaf (4) Yacktman

source: WSJ article "Keynes: One Mean Money Manager"

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